What ideas are underpriced in 2024?

What ideas are underpriced in 2024?

George Mack

What ideas are underpriced in 2024?

Here's my list:

1. Subprime audience - A creator optimising for size of audience and ending up with a junk audience. They end up producing content they themselves wouldn’t consume.

2. The forgetting paradox - Wordle outperformed every headline in society's consciousness for 2022. All the news everyone was worried outlasted by a novelty game... that has now faded away. We forget how much we forget because we've forgotten it. Everyone will move onto the next current thing... And forget how enraged they were about the previous current thing.

3. The Golden Law of the Internet - If you run enough A/B tests, you’ll end up with a porn site. Always have some brand guidelines you won't compromise on.

4. Post content clarity - Pull up your YouTube. Click on history. I did this and found I regretted 75% of the content I consumed.

5. Asch Negative - Would someone fail to conform in a conformity test? If so, they are Asch Negative. (Incredible idea from Eric Weinstein).

6. Treadmill Friends - Friends that leave you with so much energy after seeing them you need to run on a treadmill. The opposite are people that leave you so drained you to have to life on a sofa afterwards: Sofa friends.

7. Dopamine Self, Cortisol Self, Serotonin Self - This is pure bro science... But having these 3 selves as a naming convention is really useful.

Need to get into dopamine self? Play agressive hip-hop + drink caffeine.

Need to get into serotonin self? Play deep house + breathe deeply.

Need to get into cortisol self? Don't sleep and refresh email.

8. Resting smile face - A large % of happiness is moving from resting serious face to resting smiling face... Because this idea is so simple, it's neglected. Try it.

9. Love bombs - If you have an awesome interaction with a service worker, drop them a tip that makes you feel a bit uncomfortable. When you zoom out 5 years later, it's one of the highest ROI memory dividends in your mental checking account.

10. Bragging Razor - If someone brags about their success or happiness, assume it’s half what they claim

If someone downplays their success or happiness, assume it’s double what they claim

11. The Instagram Sausage Factory - When you see a photo of an influencer looking attractive on Instagram -- assume there are 99 worse variations of that photo you haven't seen.

They just picked the best one.

Zoom out and see how the sausage is made.

12. Hidden metrics vs Visible metrics - Money is a visible metric. Clear score and multi-player going up and down.

Time with family or peace of mind is a hidden metric.

It's easy to spend so much time optimising for visible metrics... Because they are visible.

The hidden metrics only become visible when it's too late... They hit 0. Someone dies or lose your sanity.

13. Only the irrational behaviour survives - If you study the biographies of the greats or attend the funerals of people you care about — the normal rational behavior is never mentioned.

It’s filled with stories that make the individual unique. It’s all the times they broke out of the median distribution of human behavior.

If you want to create behavioral assets that tell stories for you in the future, you have to pay the price of appearing weird in the present moment.

Your personal brand is defined by your weirdness, eccentricities, and irrational behavior.

If you remove them in order to fit in with the tribe, you remove all future stories and memories that tribe will tell about you.


PS. If you enjoyed this, it's taken directly from my newsletter. Get my best ideas when you sign up. Link below.

Table of contents

What ideas are underpriced in 2024?

Here's my list:

1. Subprime audience - A creator optimising for size of audience and ending up with a junk audience. They end up producing content they themselves wouldn’t consume.

2. The forgetting paradox - Wordle outperformed every headline in society's consciousness for 2022. All the news everyone was worried outlasted by a novelty game... that has now faded away. We forget how much we forget because we've forgotten it. Everyone will move onto the next current thing... And forget how enraged they were about the previous current thing.

3. The Golden Law of the Internet - If you run enough A/B tests, you’ll end up with a porn site. Always have some brand guidelines you won't compromise on.

4. Post content clarity - Pull up your YouTube. Click on history. I did this and found I regretted 75% of the content I consumed.

5. Asch Negative - Would someone fail to conform in a conformity test? If so, they are Asch Negative. (Incredible idea from Eric Weinstein).

6. Treadmill Friends - Friends that leave you with so much energy after seeing them you need to run on a treadmill. The opposite are people that leave you so drained you to have to life on a sofa afterwards: Sofa friends.

7. Dopamine Self, Cortisol Self, Serotonin Self - This is pure bro science... But having these 3 selves as a naming convention is really useful.

Need to get into dopamine self? Play agressive hip-hop + drink caffeine.

Need to get into serotonin self? Play deep house + breathe deeply.

Need to get into cortisol self? Don't sleep and refresh email.

8. Resting smile face - A large % of happiness is moving from resting serious face to resting smiling face... Because this idea is so simple, it's neglected. Try it.

9. Love bombs - If you have an awesome interaction with a service worker, drop them a tip that makes you feel a bit uncomfortable. When you zoom out 5 years later, it's one of the highest ROI memory dividends in your mental checking account.

10. Bragging Razor - If someone brags about their success or happiness, assume it’s half what they claim

If someone downplays their success or happiness, assume it’s double what they claim

11. The Instagram Sausage Factory - When you see a photo of an influencer looking attractive on Instagram -- assume there are 99 worse variations of that photo you haven't seen.

They just picked the best one.

Zoom out and see how the sausage is made.

12. Hidden metrics vs Visible metrics - Money is a visible metric. Clear score and multi-player going up and down.

Time with family or peace of mind is a hidden metric.

It's easy to spend so much time optimising for visible metrics... Because they are visible.

The hidden metrics only become visible when it's too late... They hit 0. Someone dies or lose your sanity.

13. Only the irrational behaviour survives - If you study the biographies of the greats or attend the funerals of people you care about — the normal rational behavior is never mentioned.

It’s filled with stories that make the individual unique. It’s all the times they broke out of the median distribution of human behavior.

If you want to create behavioral assets that tell stories for you in the future, you have to pay the price of appearing weird in the present moment.

Your personal brand is defined by your weirdness, eccentricities, and irrational behavior.

If you remove them in order to fit in with the tribe, you remove all future stories and memories that tribe will tell about you.


PS. If you enjoyed this, it's taken directly from my newsletter. Get my best ideas when you sign up. Link below.

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