High Agency Habit: Specific > General

George Mack

High Agency Habit: Specific > General

1. General ambition gives you anxiety. Specific ambition gives you direction.

2. What does your dream week look like hour by hour? What does your nightmare week look like hour by hour?

3. On a scale of 0-10, how close are you to your nightmare week or dream week?

4. Reminder to self: Write down your priorities for the week. Track your time for the week. Compare if they match.

Keith Rabois used to do this exercise for elite CEO's -- and even they failed this test.

If that's true for them, I wonder what it's like for mere mortals like you and me?

5. "Life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask"

6. Exactly how much money are you burning per month? Exactly how much money do you need?

7. Reminder to self: What is the biggest item you're procrastinating on? Put it in your calendar today and bet money or social shame on it. Stack a specific deadline of pain.

8. The low agency lifestyle is a world of fluff. Everything exists in the abstract.

How much money do I make? Don't really know.

Have I lived my values this week? Don't really know.

9. The low agency lifestyle is a candy floss existence. It's sweet and keeps you busy -- but when finished, you still feel empty and wondering where did the time go.

10. If you have absolutely no clue on how to get specific: Start with what you hate and avoid that.

E.g. If you hate the cold and you're living in a cold country, you've got something to be specific about. Move.

11. Without specificity, it's so easy to float through life like a leaf in the ocean. Your general existence is simply going with the tide.

The specific existence is akin to a speed boat and a GPS signal.

12. The people who weigh themselves everyday tend to outperform any diet hack.

Why? They turn the general into the specific.

Did the number go up or down? The same is true for any metric you want to control.

13. "There are so many people working so hard and achieving so little" - Andy Grove

It's almost impossible to do this if you focus on the specific. It's almost impossible not to do this if you focus only on the general.

14. Why do we avoid the specific?

Because it's falsifiable. It requires effort. It requires pain.

Decide in latin means to "cut off".


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Table of contents

High Agency Habit: Specific > General

1. General ambition gives you anxiety. Specific ambition gives you direction.

2. What does your dream week look like hour by hour? What does your nightmare week look like hour by hour?

3. On a scale of 0-10, how close are you to your nightmare week or dream week?

4. Reminder to self: Write down your priorities for the week. Track your time for the week. Compare if they match.

Keith Rabois used to do this exercise for elite CEO's -- and even they failed this test.

If that's true for them, I wonder what it's like for mere mortals like you and me?

5. "Life punishes the vague wish and rewards the specific ask"

6. Exactly how much money are you burning per month? Exactly how much money do you need?

7. Reminder to self: What is the biggest item you're procrastinating on? Put it in your calendar today and bet money or social shame on it. Stack a specific deadline of pain.

8. The low agency lifestyle is a world of fluff. Everything exists in the abstract.

How much money do I make? Don't really know.

Have I lived my values this week? Don't really know.

9. The low agency lifestyle is a candy floss existence. It's sweet and keeps you busy -- but when finished, you still feel empty and wondering where did the time go.

10. If you have absolutely no clue on how to get specific: Start with what you hate and avoid that.

E.g. If you hate the cold and you're living in a cold country, you've got something to be specific about. Move.

11. Without specificity, it's so easy to float through life like a leaf in the ocean. Your general existence is simply going with the tide.

The specific existence is akin to a speed boat and a GPS signal.

12. The people who weigh themselves everyday tend to outperform any diet hack.

Why? They turn the general into the specific.

Did the number go up or down? The same is true for any metric you want to control.

13. "There are so many people working so hard and achieving so little" - Andy Grove

It's almost impossible to do this if you focus on the specific. It's almost impossible not to do this if you focus only on the general.

14. Why do we avoid the specific?

Because it's falsifiable. It requires effort. It requires pain.

Decide in latin means to "cut off".


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